A Glob of Ectoplasm is a rare crafting material. It is used in the crafting of Obsidian armor and Chaos Gloves...
12.00$ 16.00$
A Glob of Ectoplasm is a rare crafting material. It is used in the crafting of Obsidian armor and Chaos Gloves...
27.00$ 36.00$
A Glob of Ectoplasm is a rare crafting material. It is used in the crafting of Obsidian armor and Chaos Gloves...
36.00$ 48.00$
A Glob of Ectoplasm is a rare crafting material. It is used in the crafting of Obsidian armor and Chaos Gloves...
68.00$ 92.00$
A Glob of Ectoplasm is a rare crafting material. It is used in the crafting of Obsidian armor and Chaos Gloves...
108.00$ 144.00$
A Glob of Ectoplasm is a rare crafting material. It is used in the crafting of Obsidian armor and Chaos Gloves...
144.00$ 192.00$
Used to open the Zaishen Chest on the Isle of the Nameless...
340.00$ 528.00$
An Armbrace of Truth is a collectible item that can be traded for Tormented weapons and obtained in the Domain of Anguish...
10.00$ 18.00$
An Armbrace of Truth is a collectible item that can be traded for Tormented weapons and obtained in the Domain of Anguish...
15.00$ 36.00$
An Armbrace of Truth is a collectible item that can be traded for Tormented weapons and obtained in the Domain of Anguish...
25.00$ 60.00$
An Armbrace of Truth is a collectible item that can be traded for Tormented weapons and obtained in the Domain of Anguish...
40.00$ 96.00$
An Armbrace of Truth is a collectible item that can be traded for Tormented weapons and obtained in the Domain of Anguish...
50.00$ 120.00$
An Armbrace of Truth is a collectible item that can be traded for Tormented weapons and obtained in the Domain of Anguish...
75.00$ 180.00$
An Armbrace of Truth is a collectible item that can be traded for Tormented weapons and obtained in the Domain of Anguish...
100.00$ 240.00$
An Armbrace of Truth is a collectible item that can be traded for Tormented weapons and obtained in the Domain of Anguish...
150.00$ 360.00$
The Hammer of Kathandrax, also called Kathandrax's Crusher, is the required quest item for completing Kathandrax's Crusher...
20.00$ 28.00$
A consumable set is shorthand for one of each of the following three consumables: Grail of Might, Essence of Celerity, and Armor of Salvation. ..
36.00$ 60.00$
Requires no monthly fee to play.Includes:An access key for account creation.Access to the full Guild Wars Nightfall® campaign via downloadable client.Bonus Item: Fire Imp combat ally to assist in your adventures...
9.00$ 12.00$
Guild Wars Factions™, the second stand-alone release from developer ArenaNet®, features a new world, new mechanics, and new professions.Join the battle for the future of Cantha — an all-new Asian-inspired continent — with players from all over the world.Experience two new professions unique to Canth..
9.00$ 12.00$
Key features:4 new regions to explore, including the continent-sprawling Depths18 multi-level dungeons rife with traps, puzzles, secret passages, and dangerous foes150 new skills to unlock and use10 new Heroes to command from races old and new, including the fierce Norn, the magical Asura, and even ..
9.00$ 12.00$
Showing 1 to 38 of 38 (1 Pages)