Guild Wars Speed clear

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speed clear is a method of quickly completing a PvE goal using a team build optimized for the task, in order to quickly farm faction or highly-coveted items, such as gemstones or Celestial Compasses. Speed-clearing teams avoid battling foes unless those deaths are required to meet some objective. Teams also commonly divide into groups to perform several tasks simultaneously.

The fast pace and the high value of the rewards allows the efforts to be profitable even after buying consumable sets from other players.Faction-reward speed clears[edit]

Item-reward speed clears

The UnderworldUWSCGlobs of EctoplasmGhastly Summoning StonesEternal BladesCelestial CompassesMiniature Dhuums, and other rare items


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The Emo bonder is a role in UWSC. It is always done by an E/Mo, hence the name.


The Emo is essentially responsible for keeping the main team alive with bonds and Infuse, and glitching Dhuum at the end.


Elementalist/Monk Emo
Spirit BondBurning SpeedInfuse HealthEther RenewalEbon EscapeBalthazar's SpiritLife BondProtective Bond
Energy Storage: 12+1+3, Protection: 12, Healing: 3
Elementalist/Monk Emo
Great Dwarf WeaponBurning SpeedInfuse HealthEther RenewalEbon EscapeBalthazar's SpiritLife BondProtective Bond
Energy Storage: 12+1+3, Protection: 12, Healing: 3



When you enter UW follow this Skillorder:

- Balth - Protbond - Lifebond on LT

- Protbond on T2 (usually the guy waiting at right stairs)

- Balth - Ether Renewal - Burning Speed - Spirit Bond (if you got it) - Prot on yourself.

- GDW on the T3, spam Burning Speed. Don't bond other players !

- All nightmares should be killed during first ball. Else, wait a bit then stay in range of the lt. Use all bonds on the SoS and the Spiker

- Don't fuse the lt on the second ball to avoid weird drider behaviour.

- Fuse your teammates before they die. Don't be lazy, save rez scrolls :]


- When the SoS runs in to block, fuse the lt and step out to make the Mindblades ball. Fuse the rit only if actually needed.

- Keep fusing the LT until you have a nice ball. Watch your own hp of course, spam Burning Speed in between to regen up. Stay out of the Mindblades' cast range to make sure you don't get rupted. If there are remaining mindblades, use GDW on your SoS then on your Spiker to finish them off.

- In Vale, if you somehow get rended while running behind the house, use Balth quickly, there shouldn't be any energy problem. Hide behind the house until all Skeles are dead, then, if in a fast run, go update the souls and ee the spiker or the SoS through the house. During the spike, use GDW on your lt and the SoS so they have it for the top.

- If Graspings break during the ball, tell your SoS to tank and go behind him behind the house. Fuse him while the spiker kills them.

Wrathful Spirits

- For this quest you're supposed to tank the first group of Spirits and keep 1 "safesoul" alive until your LT is ready for Unwanted Guests. Use GDW on all friendly attacking souls. Pay attention to New Souls HP. If one gets stuck, stand out of their path, use Spirit Bond on it if you have it, then use fuse to catch aggro of attacking spirits.

- Once lt finished the top, check if your mates are confident keeping the New Souls alive. If they are, head to UWG.

- If top takes too much time, you can start doing the 6 ball for the Spiker if all your group is done.

Unwanted Guests (UWG)

- Take the quest once your LT is ready (usually a SF ping) and for the first Keeper, use Spirit Bond before taking quest. Stay close so you can fuse in case your LT drops too low.

- For the remaining Keepers, simply stay in bond range, don't aggro annoying stuff like Graspings and ping the Keepers for your LT if you don't aim to be lazy af.

- With GDW, u can only tank a single skele, so make sure to find a safespot or run forward in case you get 2


- Here comes your time to shine. You're supposed to stuck Dhuum on a Summoning Stone such as a Devourer or Siege Turtle. See Elementalist Equipment. So, have Stones in your inventory when you join a run. Enter the Dhuum room, pop your Summon, Protbond it, Protbond and Balth your SoS, cast Ether and tell your team you're ready. Don't use Life Bond as it reduces PI damage.

- If you also bring a correct Dhuum Armor, stucking Dhuum will be easy since your hp will be lower than those of your Stone. If you don't (please do), make sure you don't pop any Pcons that raise your hp to above 550. Just stand 2 steps behind your stone while facing your teammates. To avoid "unglitching" keep your Summon at full hp all the time, especially when Dhuum uses Judgement (-> fuse).

- Use only 1 skill between each GDW. That way, you can maintain it on the 7 players with a perma QZ.

- Apart from the Stucking, save rez scrolls by fusing people before they die. Also, you can Protbond all soft targets (Mesmers, Eles, Sins LoL) unless they tell you to drop it.


A more recent guide:

UWSC 4-Tera Sable-Way

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UWSC Sable-Way Team with 4-Teras. Traditionally the tactic was run with 5-Main Team and 3-Teras (T234); Main Team would finish Wastes.

Shroud of DistressShadow FormDwarven StabilityWhirling DefenseFinish HimDeath's ChargeHeart of ShadowWinnowing
Shroud of DistressShadow FormDwarven StabilityWhirling DefenseRadiation FieldDeath's ChargeViper's DefenseI Am Unstoppable
Shroud of DistressShadow FormDwarven StabilityWhirling DefenseEbon Battle Standard of HonorShadow of HasteDeath's ChargeHeart of Shadow
Mantra of EarthObsidian FleshStoneflesh AuraStone StrikerWastrel's DemiseWastrel's WorryEmpathyEbon Escape
Spell BreakerSeed of LifeYou Move Like a DwarfPain InverterSerpent's QuicknessQuickening ZephyrEdge of ExtinctionWinnowing
Sand ShardsVow of StrengthMystic RegenerationMirage CloakEbon EscapeEbon Battle Standard of HonorVeil of ThornsEremite's Attack
Mantra of ResolveShadow FormShroud of DistressDeath's ChargeHeart of ShadowIllusion of PainWastrel's DemiseWastrel's Worry
Ether RenewalBurning SpeedGreat Dwarf WeaponInfuse HealthProtective BondLife BondBalthazar's SpiritEbon Escape

Basic Guide

The tactic is similar to Tera-Way, VoS is the spiker but also helps perform the Fuse Pull. All minor differences are detailed below.


  • DB places QZ quickly followed by EoE then buffs the Spiker with SB. QZ can be placed before EoE with good timing because the VoS spikes faster than a Mesmer.


  • All enemies can be spiked on top of the monument Terrorwebs in a right wall block if team is experienced. (Otherwise spike the melee separate as usual in a right wall block)
  • Spiker performs the block for fuse pulls.
  • DB buffs the Spiker with SB once the fuse pulls are complete for maximum SB duration.


  • All Graspings can be spiked on top of the monument Terrorwebs if the team is experienced. (Otherwise spike the melee separate as usual in a right wall block)
  • Spiker kills top quest group while LT kills first spawn of glitched group then switches to E/Mo's group.
  • DB should place EoE then focus on killing the last glitched quest spawns with the Anniversary Hammer.
  • If the Spiker is experienced they can solo the remainder of Vale while the monk splits with the LT + Emo. (Seed the Emo during UWG to prevent LT dying from becoming stuck)


  • Spiker acts as the stone for Dhuum Glitch and receives bonds from E/Mo.
  • Emo provides the team with GdW.

Video Guide



Ranger/Assassin R/A
Shroud of DistressShadow FormDwarven StabilityWhirling DefenseFinish HimDeath's ChargeHeart of ShadowWinnowing
Expertise: 12+1+3, Shadow: 12, Wild: 2 Marks: 2


  • Check King Spot before taking Wastes Quest, if enemies are in range of King when he appears he will not spawn any allies.


Ranger/Assassin R/A
Shroud of DistressShadow FormDwarven StabilityWhirling DefenseRadiation FieldDeath's ChargeViper's DefenseI Am Unstoppable
Expertise: 12+1+3, Shadow: 12, Marks: 3


  • If you are slow doing Mountains you should ask Duo's if it's safe to run through to Pools.


Ranger/Assassin R/A
Shroud of DistressShadow FormDwarven StabilityWhirling DefenseEbon Battle Standard of HonorShadow of HasteDeath's ChargeHeart of Shadow
Expertise: 12+1+3, Shadow: 12, Marks: 3


  • Pstone or Seal to recharge your SF if it's interrupted during semi-glitch; you can ping as you are close so the T4 knows it's safe to take 4H Quest.


Mesmer/Elementalist Me/E
Mantra of EarthObsidian FleshStoneflesh AuraStone StrikerWastrel's DemiseWastrel's WorryEmpathyEbon Escape
Dom: 11+1+3, Earth: 12, FC: 6, Insp: 2


  • Be prepared to kill or catch top-group if they are in range of NPC in Pits.
  • Don't go too deep into the safe spot, it will cause quest NPC to aggro.


Monk/Ranger Mo/R
Spell BreakerSeed of LifeYou Move Like a DwarfPain InverterSerpent's QuicknessQuickening ZephyrEdge of ExtinctionWinnowing
Divine: 12+4, Wilderness: 10, Beast: 8


  • Use YmlaD to interrupt Nightmares casting Rend Enchantment.
  • Seed the E/Mo to heal the Team in emergencies. (Not during fuse pulls)


Dervish/Any D/X
Sand ShardsVow of StrengthMystic RegenerationMirage CloakEbon EscapeEbon Battle Standard of HonorVeil of ThornsEremite's Attack
Earth: 12+4, Mysticism: 11+3, Scythe: 6+1


  • For mobs containing Grasping Darkness' you should run towards the Tank and cast EbsoH just out of "Fear Me" range before spiking ; so you don't become energy drained"
  • When blocking for fuse pull try to stand 1 step away from the wall; sidewalk if you have cupcakes active.
  • Perma your Veil of Thorns in Vale and at Dhuum.


Mesmer/Assassin Me/A
Mantra of ResolveShadow FormShroud of DistressDeath's ChargeHeart of ShadowIllusion of PainWastrel's DemiseWastrel's Worry
Insp: 3+1+3, Dom: 9, Illu: 7, FC: 6, Shadow: 12


  • Help off-dmg Nightmares during spikes.


Elementalist/Monk E/Mo
Ether RenewalBurning SpeedGreat Dwarf WeaponInfuse HealthProtective BondLife BondBalthazar's SpiritEbon Escape
ES: 12+1+3, Prot: 12, Healing: 3